A few days ago Lyn, Escape From Obesity, suggested we fill a time capsule with a letter to ourselves to be opened in 12 months time
Here is mine.
Dear Anne,
As I sit here writing knowing I should be outside walking, I'm hoping you are a lot more active as 2011 comes to an end than I currently am
You have enormous potential to lead a far more active and exciting life and I want you to realise some of that potential in the coming twelve months. Many people have spoken encouraging words to you over the years and it seems to me that you are making a rather late run at accomplishing anything significant. It's my hope that you have made some progress toward improving your health.
Strictly limiting your consumption of starches and sugar is imperative. I'll be very disappointed if you haven't done this consistently throughout the year. You are doing this to improve your health so the end result is entirely in your hands. I'll be interested to know how you got on during the month you chose to go dairy free. It sounds like a difficult thing to do so my congratulations if you achieved it, and whether there were any significant health benefits.
My current weight is 96 kg/211 lbs. In 2010 you managed to lose more than 10 kg or 22 pounds. I hope you've been able to double those figures for 2011. You could weigh 76kg/167lbs or less. I've also looked at your walking goals and see that you want to build your fitness and walk at least one half marathon. This is a great goal and I look forward to seeing how you did.
I know you have a few other concerns especially around family relationships, your marriage and general health. I believe you will do your best to heal yourself and those around you. Your greatest hope is in God. There will be opportunities during the year to experience spiritual growth and personal development.. I'm sure you will make the most of those opportunities.
BUT.... the one thing I am hoping you have done is become a more an integral part of Crossroads Fellowship. It's high time you worked at developing your personal times with Jesus. 2011 is your year to re-establish good habits, even better than before. All life stems from Him. He is the water of life and as you spend time in His presence so you will be filled and satisfied to overflowing. Life is a spiritual journey and nothing useful can be accomplished except you “Seek first His Kingdom.'
My question tonight is, 'Have you made the best of all the opportunities that came your way in 2011?
Have you used your time wisely?”
Right now I'm plagued and worried by financial constraints. I'll be very interested to see whether you have been able to improve this situation. The solution is in your hands. You can manage this if you choose to. I'm hoping you will because new clothes in smaller sizes are going to be required both during the year and in the future.
Anne, you are a creative person. I wonder how many things you have finished that you began with enthusiasm and now languish, packed away in the cupboard. I am smiling as I imagine looking at the finished things piled on the table. I really think this year you can tidy up a lot of loose ends, unfinished projects and more.
You are going to go ahead in leaps and bounds and there are going to be some writing achievements too. Will you up-date your New Zealand Diary frequently? I'd love to see you write most days. What about practicing writing short stories, I know how capable you are in this area but you do need practice. And what about the book of poems with photos and illustrations? I wonder if you've taken it off the back burner.
It's going to be very interesting to read this in twelve months time. Many things happen during a year and we can have no knowledge of them now.
I commit this letter to be opened at the end of 2011.
With love from Me.